I mean, look at those lumps o' dough. The industrial food-raised part of your brain is running hot, trying to compute this madness. Visible seeds and grains, sharing a matrix with a cinnamon sugar ribbon?? No no no...
But if you know anything about Dave's Killer Bread, whole grains and fiber can taste really good. I prefer under processed grains, so maybe I'm not the best judge. But by all accounts, DKB (and Naturebake too) has an army of converts, both likely and unlikely. They're local and they gen

Recently at a family gathering, a package of Sin Dawg was devoured in minutes and moaned about for hours. Sure they like their food, but natural foodies they are not. It would have been surprising, but the Dawg is a moist, grounded decadence. Fruity sweetness balanced by something substantial enough to remind you it's still there. And you come to love it, just the way it is.
Until it becomes widely available with the rest of the DKB line, this won't be more than Christmas morning fodder (Dave, HINT). Still, finding a new tradition is rare, so there's that. Find it at the Healthy Bread Store, or at the Portland and Beaverton Farmers Markets.
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