But seriously, my kitchen feels like Hades. The fridge and freezer are laboring to keep things sanitary, certainly no time for open-door efforts to brainstorm a meal. The "cold" water crock dispenses water suitable for properly brewed tea... it is NOT refreshing. The cats run in just long enough to eat a few token kibbles and lap up some water... then retreat to the hardwood floor and melt. I mean, look at this worthless sack of fur and gristle:
And no, there is no A/C, asshole. For 346 days out of the year, I laugh at that notion. Right now I laugh at my arrogance, yet again. Screw that, I'll kick it (Laura Ingalls) Wilder-style and find a sod home... I'm not buying an A/C.
Sorry, I'm a little worked up. Everyone's a little crazy from the heat, I've noticed. Panicking on one hand, yet also serene in a surrendering sort of way. This is not the Portland we know and love.
So a sweaty BBQ is to be attended, and you're tired of being a defeatist. It's summertime, and you can do a lot worse than some variation of a black bean and corn salad. Bad breath, you say? Look, it's 106 degrees out and everyone's ass is like an equatorial jungle... nobody should care about a little onion and garlic. So here's what I threw together for last night's beat-the-heat festivities:
(In a large mixing bowl)
3- limes- juiced
1- OG red onion-diced
6- OG garlic cloves- minced
3- JalapeƱos and/or cayenne peppers from the garden- diced
1- red bell pepper- diced
1- yellow bell pepper- diced
2- medium vine tomato- diced.
4 tbsp- extra virgin olive oil (I used a Spanish variety)
1 tbsp- sea salt
3 shots- Crystal Hot Sauce
2 tbsp- dried chili powder blend
1 tbsp- smoked paprika
1 tsp- cumin
1tsp- cracked pepper
1 bunch fresh cilantro- minced
I let that mixture mingle while the oil and acidic lime juice unleashed all those aromatic flavors. After awhile, I added:
4 ears- grilled corn on the cob (kernels removed of course)
2 ears- raw corn on the cob (kernels removed)
2 cans- black beans
4- avocados- 3/4" cubes
Unfortunately, I forgot to get picture proof of its existence. I'll just tell you it was beautiful, fresh summer comfort food to make and eat on a ridiculously hot night. With some sturdy tortilla chips or even a fork, it all made sense. Perfect food for a hazy orange night. Some variation of this classic salad should be in your summer rotation, it's that dependable. So why aren't you making this right now?
I can vouch for it's deliciousness and perfect appearance. Garlic breath be damned- your dip was all kinds of awesome!!